Atari 2600(Atari 2600) ROMs herunterladen

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Rom Bild Name Region Downloads

 2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy,Alien Force (HES) (PAL) [a1]Rom

2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy,Alien Force (HES) (PAL) [a1]

US Land
 2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy,Alien Force (HES) (PAL) [a1] Rom 2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy,Alien Force (HES) (PAL) [a1] US Country (US) 105

 2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior,Frogger (1990) (HES) (PAL)Rom

2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior,Frogger (1990) (HES) (PAL)

US Land
 2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior,Frogger (1990) (HES) (PAL) Rom 2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior,Frogger (1990) (HES) (PAL) US Country (US) 90

 2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior,Frogger (1990) (HES) (PAL) [a1]Rom

2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior,Frogger (1990) (HES) (PAL) [a1]

US Land
 2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior,Frogger (1990) (HES) (PAL) [a1] Rom 2 Pak Special Yellow - Star Warrior,Frogger (1990) (HES) (PAL) [a1] US Country (US) 65

 2600 Collison Demo 1 (Piero Cavina) (PD)Rom

2600 Collison Demo 1 (Piero Cavina) (PD)

US Land
 2600 Collison Demo 1 (Piero Cavina) (PD) Rom 2600 Collison Demo 1 (Piero Cavina) (PD) US Country (US) 68

128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 2) (PAL)Rom

128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 2) (PAL)

US Land
128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 2) (PAL) Rom 128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 2) (PAL) US Country (US) 222

128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 3) (PAL)Rom

128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 3) (PAL)

US Land
128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 3) (PAL) Rom 128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 3) (PAL) US Country (US) 234

128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 4) (PAL)Rom

128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 4) (PAL)

US Land
128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 4) (PAL) Rom 128-in-1 Junior Console (Chip 4) (PAL) US Country (US) 309

2 Pak Black - Challenge, Surfing (HES) (PAL)Rom

2 Pak Black - Challenge, Surfing (HES) (PAL)

US Land
2 Pak Black - Challenge, Surfing (HES) (PAL) Rom 2 Pak Black - Challenge, Surfing (HES) (PAL) US Country (US) 86

2 Pak Special - Dolphin, Pigs 'N Wolf (1990) (HES) (PAL)Rom

2 Pak Special - Dolphin, Pigs 'N Wolf (1990) (HES) (PAL)

US Land
2 Pak Special - Dolphin, Pigs 'N Wolf (1990) (HES) (PAL) Rom 2 Pak Special - Dolphin, Pigs 'N Wolf (1990) (HES) (PAL) US Country (US) 102

2 Pak Special Black - Challenge,Surfing (HES) (PAL) [a1]Rom

2 Pak Special Black - Challenge,Surfing (HES) (PAL) [a1]

US Land
2 Pak Special Black - Challenge,Surfing (HES) (PAL) [a1] Rom 2 Pak Special Black - Challenge,Surfing (HES) (PAL) [a1] US Country (US) 71

2 Pak Special Blue - Dungeon Master,Creature Strike (1992) (PAL)Rom

2 Pak Special Blue - Dungeon Master,Creature Strike (1992) (PAL)

US Land
2 Pak Special Blue - Dungeon Master,Creature Strike (1992) (PAL) Rom 2 Pak Special Blue - Dungeon Master,Creature Strike (1992) (PAL) US Country (US) 192

2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy,Alien Force (HES) (PAL)Rom

2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy,Alien Force (HES) (PAL)

US Land
2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy,Alien Force (HES) (PAL) Rom 2 Pak Special Light Green - Hoppy,Alien Force (HES) (PAL) US Country (US) 70

2 Pak Special Magenta - CaveBlast,City War (1992) (HES) (PAL)Rom

2 Pak Special Magenta - CaveBlast,City War (1992) (HES) (PAL)

US Land
2 Pak Special Magenta - CaveBlast,City War (1992) (HES) (PAL) Rom 2 Pak Special Magenta - CaveBlast,City War (1992) (HES) (PAL) US Country (US) 80

2 Pak Special Orange - Space Voyage,Fire Alert (1992) (HES) (PAL)Rom

2 Pak Special Orange - Space Voyage,Fire Alert (1992) (HES) (PAL)

US Land
2 Pak Special Orange - Space Voyage,Fire Alert (1992) (HES) (PAL) Rom 2 Pak Special Orange - Space Voyage,Fire Alert (1992) (HES) (PAL) US Country (US) 99

2-in-1 - Freeway And TennisRom

2-in-1 - Freeway And Tennis

US Land
2-in-1 - Freeway And Tennis Rom 2-in-1 - Freeway And Tennis US Country (US) 223

2-in-1 - Frostbite And River RaidRom

2-in-1 - Frostbite And River Raid

US Land
2-in-1 - Frostbite And River Raid Rom 2-in-1 - Frostbite And River Raid US Country (US) 620

20 Sprites At Once Demo 2 (PD)Rom

20 Sprites At Once Demo 2 (PD)

US Land
20 Sprites At Once Demo 2 (PD) Rom 20 Sprites At Once Demo 2 (PD) US Country (US) 49

20 Sprites At Once Demo 3 (PD)Rom

20 Sprites At Once Demo 3 (PD)

US Land
20 Sprites At Once Demo 3 (PD) Rom 20 Sprites At Once Demo 3 (PD) US Country (US) 49

20 Sprites At Once Demo 4 (PD)Rom

20 Sprites At Once Demo 4 (PD)

US Land
20 Sprites At Once Demo 4 (PD) Rom 20 Sprites At Once Demo 4 (PD) US Country (US) 51

20 Sprites At Once Demo 5 (PD)Rom

20 Sprites At Once Demo 5 (PD)

US Land
20 Sprites At Once Demo 5 (PD) Rom 20 Sprites At Once Demo 5 (PD) US Country (US) 61

3-D Tic-Tac-Toe   Rom

3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1980) (Atari, Carol Shaw - Sears) (CX2618 - 49-75123)

US Land
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe    Rom 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe (1980) (Atari, Carol Shaw - Sears) (CX2618 - 49-75123) US Country (US) 219

32-in-1 (Atari) (PAL)Rom

32-in-1 (Atari) (PAL)

US Land
32-in-1 (Atari) (PAL) Rom 32-in-1 (Atari) (PAL) US Country (US) 4778

A-Team, The     Rom

A-Team, The (AKA Saboteur) (05-08-1984) (Atari, Jerome Domurat, Howard Scott Warshaw) (CX26133) (Prototype)

US Land
A-Team, The      Rom A-Team, The (AKA Saboteur) (05-08-1984) (Atari, Jerome Domurat, Howard Scott Warshaw) (CX26133) (Prototype) US Country (US) 210

Acid Drop    Rom

Acid Drop (1992) (Salu, Dennis M. Kiss) (460758) (PAL)

US Land
Acid Drop     Rom Acid Drop (1992) (Salu, Dennis M. Kiss) (460758) (PAL) US Country (US) 167

Activision Decathlon, The    [fixed]Rom

Activision Decathlon, The (1983) (Activision, David Crane) (AG-930-04, AZ-030) [fixed]

US Land
Activision Decathlon, The    [fixed] Rom Activision Decathlon, The (1983) (Activision, David Crane) (AG-930-04, AZ-030) [fixed] US Country (US) 1201

Adventure   Rom

Adventure (1980) (Atari, Warren Robinett - Sears) (CX2613 - 49-75154)

US Land
Adventure    Rom Adventure (1980) (Atari, Warren Robinett - Sears) (CX2613 - 49-75154) US Country (US) 3440

Adventure II (Adventure Hack)Rom

Adventure II (Adventure Hack)

US Land
Adventure II (Adventure Hack) Rom Adventure II (Adventure Hack) US Country (US) 441

Adventures of TRON    Rom

Adventures of TRON (TRON Joystick) (1982) (M Network, Hal Finney, Glenn Hightower, Peter Kaminski - INTV) (MT4317)

US Land
Adventures of TRON     Rom Adventures of TRON (TRON Joystick) (1982) (M Network, Hal Finney, Glenn Hightower, Peter Kaminski - INTV) (MT4317) US Country (US) 337

Air Raid  Rom

Air Raid (Men-A-Vision) (PAL)

US Land
Air Raid   Rom Air Raid (Men-A-Vision) (PAL) US Country (US) 290

Air Raiders    Rom

Air Raiders (Air Battle) (1982) (M Network, Larry Zwick - INTV) (MT5861)

US Land
Air Raiders     Rom Air Raiders (Air Battle) (1982) (M Network, Larry Zwick - INTV) (MT5861) US Country (US) 423

Atari 2600-Informationen