FF3us SRAM Expansion ROM Hack herunterladen

FF3us SRAM Expansion Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: SNES
Original Spiel: Final Fantasy III
Typ: Improvement
Genre: Role Playing
Veränderungen: Other
Ersteller: Madsiur
Erstellungsdatum: 10/04/2018
Letzte Änderung: 10/04/2018
Parameter Informationen
Dateiname: sram.zip
Downloads: 1
Anforderungen: No-Header (SNES)
Version: 1.1

FF3us SRAM Expansion Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

FF3us SRAM Expansion Liesmich

FF3us SRAM Expansion
by madsiur
version 1.1
released on 10/04/2018
Files included

sram_nh.ips:         patch for FF3us 1.0 headerless ROM.
sram_nh_reverse.ips: reverse patch.
sram.asm:            Assembly file to assemble with bass.
Offset changed, free space used (by patch)

$C0FFD8:         Internal header SRAM size (from $03 to $05)
Bank $C3:        A few offsets related to saving and loading (see asm file)
$EFFBC8-$EFFC16: Extra code (see asm file)
New SRAM map

Slot 1 expansion:  $306A00-$307FFF
                   $306000-$3069FF = $7E1600-$7E1FFF

Slot 2 expansion:  $316A00-$317FFF
                   $316000-$3169FF = $7E1600-$7E1FFF

Slot 3 expansion:  $326A00-$327FFF
                   $326000-$3269FF = $7E1600-$7E1FFF

Other SRAM values: $336000-$3375FF (game common SRAM)
                   $337600-$337EFF (unused)
                   $337F00 = last altered savefile
                   $337F01 = rng index
                   $337F08 = checksum value #$E41B (slot 1)
                   $337F0A = checksum value #$E41B (slot 2)
                   $337F0C = checksum value #$E41B (slot 3)
                   $337F0E = checksum value #$E41B (slot 4, useless..)

This hack expand SRAM by $1600 bytes, allowing now $2000 bytes for each
save slot plus a third 8Kb for general purpose. In original game, only 8Kb of
SRAM is used ($306000-$307FFF), each slot occupying $0A00 bytes and $200 bytes
for general purpose at the end of the 8Kb block.

With this hack, $306000-$307FFF is used for slot 1, $316000-$317FFF for slot 2
and $326000-$327FFF for slot 3. $336000-$337FFF is used for game SRAM.
When you play the game, $7E1600-$7E1FFF is still used and copied to 
correct slot at saving. $336000-$3375FF is copied to correct slot as 
extra SRAM. At game loading, correct slot is loaded into $336000-$3375FF. 
So in order to save or load from extra SRAM in your hack, use as an example 
STA $336000,X or LDA $336000,X.

Since $337600-$337EFF is not used, it means it could be use as scratchpad SRAM 
for temporary things or have a general use common to the three slots. 
$337FF0-$337FFF has same function as the original $307FF0-$307FFF.

SRAM could be expanded more but I figured a whole $2000 bytes instead of $0A00
is enough expansion for any hack. In HiROM mapping banks $20-$3F can be used 
to map SRAM, using always the $6000-$7FFF range of the bank. $C0FFD8 tell the 
emulator the SRAM size of the ROM.

I have not tested this on sd2snes, everdrive or real hardware. snes9x 1.55 and 
bsnes+ were used for testing. If you plan to use this hack and make a cart of 
your hack after, I have no idea what kind of cartridge you will need or if
32Kb of SRAM is supported by any existing SNES game.
Version history
10/04/2018 1.1 released
   -removed $336000 init (see sram.asm for details)
   -renamed $337F08-$337F0E from "fixed value" to "checksum value"
05/25/2018 1.0 initial released

[email protected]