Zanac MMC5 Patch ROM Hack herunterladen

Zanac MMC5 Patch Spiel
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Parameter Informationen
Konsole: NES
Original Spiel: Zanac
Typ: Improvement
Genre: Action > Shooter
Veränderungen: Other
Ersteller: Dracula X
Erstellungsdatum: 05/27/2020
Letzte Änderung: 05/27/2020
Parameter Informationen
Dateiname: Zanac MMC5 Patch v1.0a.rar
Downloads: 7
Anforderungen: No Special Requirements
Version: 1.0a

Zanac MMC5 Patch Beschreibung

Don’t think this is gonna be a 100% Gold Remake, it’ll have its differences. Extra battles (some’ll be optionals, tough but rewarding), Hoenn Pokemon (in every area, and hard to find) New areas, Remapped some dungeons (so your old guides wont work) , Extra recurring characters (some’ll hate you, some’ll help you)

Note that the hack is incomplete but feel free to enjoy the hack as-is.

Zanac MMC5 Patch Liesmich

Zanac Mapper Conversion
From UNROM to MMC5 (from UNROM to Mapper 5)
by Dracula X

RELEASE DATE: 5-25-2020
Happy Memorial Day!
Last Modified:	5-27-2020

You can also use Nflate from Utilities to expand the ROM up to 512kb.

You can now use free RAM space at $5c00 to $5fff and $6000 to $7fff for cool or new stuff.

to bankswitch from $8000 - $Bfff and from $C000 - $ffff, here's how to do it:

LDA bank_number
JMP New Location


LDA bank_number

New location would be $8000 or $A000 etc... Bank 08 would be at $20010.

Hacks supported:

Hacks not Supported:
Zanac/Zanac - FDS/NES + SRAM
MMC1 or MMC3 Hacks!

Use Delta Patcher to patch the xdelta file to the ROM. 
Ignore the checksum and then patch the file.

Changes for this version 1.0a
Expanded the ROM file size so Zanac Famicom Music Restoration hack can work.

Rockman: for info on how to convert the mapper!
Disch: for his mapper docs!

Have fun!

Non Supported Emulators: