Download Secret of Evermore (USA) [Hack by FuSoYa v1.02] (2 Player Edition) ROM

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File Name: Secret of Evermore (USA) [Hack by FuSoYa v1.02] (2 Player Edition).zip
Region: US Country (US)
Console: SNES (Get Emulator)
File Size: unknown
Downloads: 1418
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About Secret of Evermore [Hack by FuSoYa v1.02] Game

Secret of Evermore... like many people back in the SNES days, when I tried this game out I was expecting a game of the same caliber as Secret of Mana. And like many, I was rather disappointed. But the one major thing that really irked me about the game was the lack of 2 player support. I mean really, if you're going to give it a name similar to SoM, and you're going to use the same battle system, and the same ring menu system, and use the same method of switching the character you're in control of using Select, then why in the world would you stop there and not make it multiplayer like SoM!? Anyway, fast forward to the end of 2003. I was trying to choose a multiplayer console RPG Zero-G and I could play together, when I remembered SoE and its annoying lack of 2 player support. It then occured to me that if it still bothered me so much, why not just do something about it? So I did. -_^ And this patch is the result. Now you can finally have a proper 2 player game of Secret of Evermore! You can hit start on the first or second controller to enter/withdraw from the game, and either player can control either character, just like in SoM. There's even a controller indicator number that will appear beside the character you're in control of.

Written by FuSoYa